Contrats post-doctoraux
Chercheur post-doctorant / Ingénieur de recherche en physique et optoélectronique à Villetaneuse (93) - LPL
- Le 25/09/2024
- Dans Contrats post-doctoraux
Chercheur post-doctorant / Ingénieur de recherche en physique et optoélectronique (24 mois H/F)
Description :
Le/la candidat.e fera partie de l’équipe Métrologie embarquée de l’axe Métrologie, Molécule et Tests Fondamentaux du Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (UMR7538). Il/elle travaillera sous la supervision de Vincent Roncin (MCF, HDR) et de Frédéric Du-Burck (Pr Emerite) dans le cadre du projet BRIOCHE (financement ANR ASTRID 2024-2027) ayant pour objet l’étude, la réalisation et la caractérisation d’une référence de fréquence à 1,5 µm, transportable pour des applications d’instrumentation métrologique embarquée. La référence est constituée d’une diode laser dont la fréquence est asservie sur des transitions de l’Acétylène C12 (@1535 nm) ou C13 (@1542 nm) détectée par spectroscopie d’absorption saturée en cellule. Mise à part celle-ci, le dispositif sera entièrement fibré et packagé de telle sorte qu’il puisse être déplacé chez les partenaires du projet. La qualification des performances métrologiques de la référence (stabilité en fréquence) sera réalisée à 1542 nm par comparaison avec le signal REFIMEVE disponible au laboratoire et par comparaison directe de deux dispositifs identiques à 1542 nm ou à 1535 nm.
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Adresse du poste :
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers / Institut Galilée / Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
99 Av Jean-Baptiste Clément
93430 VILLETANEUSEContact : Vincent Roncin (
Postdoctoral position (18 months) on fast computational hyperspectral imaging in Lyon (69) - CREATIS
- Le 03/05/2024
- Dans Contrats post-doctoraux
Fast computational hyperspectral imaging
Duration 18 monthsDescription: We are actively seeking a postdoctoral fellow or an engineer to spearhead the development of a high-speed computational imaging system tailored for hyperspectral imaging. This cutting-edge camera need to be developed to detect Protoporphyrin fluorescence signal, specifically in the context of glioma resection. The role, funded by ANR, will encompass the full spectrum of responsibilities, from conceptualization of an optical experimental setup, its characterization, the acquisition of hypercubes from ex-vivo and in-vivo glioma and the post-procesing of theses hypercubes.
Challenge: Currently, the total acquisition time is suitable for biopsy samples but impractical for in vivo imaging. In response, our group has developed compressive imaging strategies aimed at reducing the number of patterns required for acquisition, thereby reducing the total acquisition time. While this is a significant advance, it is still insufficient for clinical in vivo applications. Hardware development is needed to increase speed by developing a second experimental setup. Read moreWork location:
Bâtiment Léonard de Vinci
21 avenue Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne cedex FRANCEApplication procedure (CV and motivation letter): Laurent Mahieu-Williame (, Bruno Montcel (
Postdoctoral position (2 years) on acousto-optical imaging in Paris (75) - Institut Langevin ESPCI
- Le 06/03/2024
- Dans Contrats post-doctoraux
Novel laser sources and real-time detection for in-vivo acousto-optic imaging
Starting september/october 2024Description: Imaging biological tissue with light is a great challenge for the detection of objects (e. g. tumors) at large depth (>cm), since multiple scattering processes prevent from a conventional imaging. The combination of ultrasound (US) and light within the medium allows to retrieve an optical information guided by the ultrasound beam, ballistic at medical application frequencies, e.g. 6MHz. Such a strategy is called Acousto-Optic Imaging (AOI), also called Ultrasound Optical Tomography (UOT), it is based on the acousto-optic effect (AO). Such an imaging is developed by many teams worldwide, in the scope to develop a bi-modal system for Medicine and Biology, in combining complementary contrast with ultrasound (e.g. conventional B-Mode imaging) and light. Many architectures have been studied up to now, but technological bottlenecks remain in order to go beyond a proof of principle. This is due to the weakness of the acousto-optic signal, itself superimposed on a strong speckle background. Among the various techniques developed at Institut Langevin, digital holography is a promising configuration for the detection, using a CMOS camera with a large number of pixels, while data treatment is optimzed with a GPU acquisition scheme. Original US-excitations are used in order to optimize the number of photons tagged by the US. Such a point will be developed by the candidate with a new fully-programmable US-system. Read more
Work location:
The work will be shared between the Institut Langevin (Paris) and the Laboratoire Charles Fabry (Palaiseau)Contact: François Ramaz (