IOGS, Institut d’Optique Graduate School
2 avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91120 PALAISEAU
Scientific committee
- Guillaume DRUART, co-Chair, ONERA
- Yvan SORTAIS, Co-Chair, IOGS Palaiseau
- Roland GEYL, President of FO-RS
Organizing committee
- Guillaume DRUART, ONERA
- Roland GEYL, President of FO-RS
- Yvan SORTAIS, IOGS Palaiseau
- Florence HADDOUCHE, Executive Director of SFO
The aim of the scientific days on freeform surfaces is to bring together all the leading specialists from government, industry, university and laboratories to discuss the latest advances in freeform surface optimization, manufacturing and metrology, as well as the application areas that can benefit from this technology. The workshop contains special sessions addressing both scientific and industrial purpose and an educational session Thursday afternoon with application-oriented presentations.
Confirmed keynote
invited speakers
Guillaume DRUART, ONERA, France
Emmanuel HUGOT, LAM, France
Sébastien HERON, TRT
Jiawei LIU, LAM, France
Sacha PLUSKWA, Bertin
Pauline TROUVE,ONERA, France
Yvan SORTAIS, IOGS, Palaiseau, France
FORMIDABLE (Freeform Optics Raytracer with Manufacturable Imaging Design cApaBiLitiEs) is an optical design library with differential ray tracing and Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) optimization capabilities under European Software Community License (ESCL). The principle of this library and several examples of its application will be presented.
Speaker : Alice FONTBONNE,
This conference will be broadcast live as a webinar
The link to attend remotely will be available soon.
Submission and Registration
Abstracts submission: deadline Sept 20
Registration: deadline Sept 25
Free registration (2 Coffee breaks and 2 lunch are included)
The number of in-person participants is limited to 60
Preliminary program
This colloquium is organized by the Calcul Optique club of the Société Française d’Optique
ONERA scientific days on freeform surfaces represent the 6th edition of the thematic days organized by the Optical Calculation Club of the SFO.
The Calcul Optique Club is focused on Optical design is increasingly used across various industrial sectors (space, military, telecommunications, healthcare, consumer electronics, etc.), and in most cases, it serves as a key element in determining the ultimate performance of optical systems, particularly in relation to their manufacturing costs.
ONERA scientific days on
freeform surfaces
IOGS, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, Palaiseau - October 9-10, 2024
Monday 18 July: the first session is entitled “Fundamentals of metasurfaces”. The development of metasurfaces and their current deployment in real world applications require proper understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms, new design method leading to high efficient and reliable devices and proper simulation methods. Monday session will be devoted to the introduction of those basic concepts and the theoretical development in the field. Recent advances on theoretical modelling (FDTD/FEM methods, optimization and inverse design methodologies, e.g., with gradient-based, evolutionary and machine learning algorithms), and their impact on experimental design will be presented.
Tuesday 19 July: the second session is entitled “New functionalities of metasurfaces 1”. In this session, we will discuss new principles, technological and emerging applications, trying to emphasize practical developments of metasurface prototypes in imaging systems, sensing, communication system, quantum optics, optomechanics, polarimetry and data storage. We consider as well new materials, structures, and advanced optical functionalities of metasurfaces.
Wednesday 20 July: the third session is entitled “New functionalities of metasurfaces 2”. In this session we discuss passive and active nanophotonics. We will present new developments of metasurfaces and their deployment in real world applications, which require scalable nanofabrication methods able to reproduce a large number of devices. Materials for metasurfaces (e.g., 2D materials, oxides/nitrides, phase-change materials, high-index dielectrics) will be discussed.
Thursday 21 July: the fourth session is entitled “Nonlinear metasurfaces”. We will discuss innovative nonlinear light manipulation with nanostructures and nonlinear metasurfaces. In the afternoon, the students will organize the “Young research forum”. The afternoon will include the poster session, with prestigious prizes provided by NATO and the Nanophotonics journal. The day will end with the Conference Dinner.
Friday 22 July: the fifth and last session is entitled “Perspectives, devices and applications”. This last morning will be devoted to emerging applications. It is a more transversal session, opened to topics susceptible of further widening the research directions and exploring the potential impact of metasurfaces and metamaterials in other fields of research.